What is IMAC ?
The International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC) is an organization dedicated to competitive sport of radio controlled Scale Aerobatic competition. IMAC operates under the auspices of the USA’s Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) with a designation as the Special Interest Group (SIG) for R/C Scale Aerobatics.
District IV Aerobatics Support
Link to District IV Aerobatics resources
AMA Resources
Terry Terrenoire - Aerobatics Blog Author
Connect with Terry at amad2terry@juno.com
Matt Balazas - IMAC Blog Author
Connect with Matt at mbalazs@triad.rr.com
Lastest Aerobatics Blog Post
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NSRCA & The Charlotte Aeromodelers Presents
Their First Combined Aerobatic Competition Winners. Snyder, Hoke, Pritchett, Craft, and Hannah Check out the flyers during the event. Use this link to see additional CAM Pattern Event photos. Contact Us...

The Pitts S-2B from Kingcraft
The Pitts S-2B from Kingcraft is an ARF model airframe in an all wood construction using balsa and plywood. It comes with a painted lightweight fiberglass cowling. If you come from a builder background, you will appreciate the design details and the ultra scale dual...

District IV’s Joshua McCreary wins at IMAC NATS, 1st place – Sportsman
Sportsman Joshua McCreary, Hampton Roads RC Club Joseph Thibodeau Matt Britt ...

Wildhorse IMAC 2015 Event has been cancelled

PGRC IMAC June 13-14 & July 25-26,2015
Point of Contact: Dave Deacon, 443-822-5805, dcdeacon@msn.com Directions: 17230 Swanson Rd. Upper Marlboro, Md. Swanson Rd is located on the east side of US301, 2.6 miles north of Pennsylvania Ave, 3.3 miles south of route 214...

IMAC Competitions Scheduled for Hurlock, MD
Two sanctioned IMAC contests are scheduled - June 20-21,2015 and August 22-23, 2015 at the Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club in Hurlock MD. For Directions to the field or to direct questions to the sponsoring club, visit their website...