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Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon

Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon

Norfolk Aeromodelers flying the Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon at the Chesapeake field: This weekend we had Bobby Mathison, Wade Miner, Phil Spillman, Abram Van Dover and John Tate showed up to fly Ringmasters. That is 5 pilots that flew a total of 30 Ringmaster flights. Phil logged in the most flights. Wade Miner flying his Ringmaster...
Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon

Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon 2015

This is not a contest! No registration is required. There are no entry fees or prizes! This Fly-A-Thon is to honor the most popular CL model ever!! Be part of something big and help make history by having more worldwide Ringmaster flights in a single weekend than last year’s record of 2714 flights! A record 456 different pilots participated!! This event is open to all participants worldwide! On October 3rd & 4th, we challenge you to fly any one or more of the many varieties of Ringmasters, old or new, and report your flights to: 2015flyathon@ringmasterflyathon.com...


  I found this control line article on the District V website and asked Mark Johnston, District V ,VP if I could repost here. The Article was written by Stew Moore, AVP, District VIII COULD A CONTROL LINE MODEL BE IN YOUR FUTURE ?? by Stew Moore   August 13, 2015 Well, you ask , why isn’t this posted under CONTROL LINE ? I hope that most of you take the time to read the articles in MODEL AVIATION pretty thoroughly and don’t “cherry pick” mostly items that really interest you .If you have noticed , there have been more and more articles concerning control line activity , which is growing . You may have read that JOE NALL has added several control line circles and has had several hundred people of all ages take a turn in the circle . There is a generational gap concerning control line . Many of us old “moss backs” were introduced to the hobby with “stick” models and control line models .Then came R/C in the 60’s and 70’s and that area has been the main attraction since and has been much easier to get into due to the ARF’S and now it’s the “drones” that have captured the attention of many . I suggest that some of you individuals and clubs consider looking at the current state of the control line models . Electric power and ARF’S are now a quickly growing segment of that SIG and offer many possibilities for introducing youth to the hobby . An electric powered control line model can be flown in a nearby park with no associated...