by Rusty Kennedy | Aug 10, 2015 | Control Line, Events
Hi Gang. Three Norfolk Aeromodeler’s competed at the Jim Coll Memorial Contest (8/8 & 8/9-2015). Saturday morning was cool, windy with a touch of rain coming in. The contest was started with the Pilots Meeting. Just as the meeting was completed a Northern Virginia Control Line member (Scott Richlen) steps onto center stage and ask for John Lindberg to step forward. John was presented with a pair of red suspenders to wear during the contest. Well, John stated that he did not want to be the only person to wear suspenders at the contest. Then Brad Smith, (member of Eastern Shore Aeromodelers), stepped forward and stated that he wore suspenders everyday. So the first picture of the weekend is below. John Lindberg is on the left and Brad Smith is on the right. Saturdays events were OLD TIME SUNT and PROFILE STUNT. The Norfolk Aeromodelers walked away with two trophies. Phil Spillman won first place in the Old Time Expert event. I received a third place trophy in the Profile Advance category. As stated before. “It was windy”. Just about everyone that flew made the comment, “I survived that flight”. Phil Spillman experienced a once is a life time event there Saturday. Phil was flying his winning Old Time flight and all of a sudden two F-16 fighter jets came out of no where and were on top of us at tree top level with an extra loud KA-BOOM. Everyone at the field was hitting the deck. Phil was still flying his Old Time pattern. Just after Phil landed someone yelled, “Phil, you need to check you shorts”....
by Rusty Kennedy | Jul 16, 2015 | Control Line, Events
Hi Control Line pilots, Are you having an event? Would you like to see pictures of your contest and or fun fly? Just send them to me and I’ll get them posted on the District IV website and Facebook page. Send to Rusty Kennedy, AVP, District IV email ...
by Rusty Kennedy | May 31, 2015 | Control Line
Norfolk Aeromodelers CL club Today Bill & Joni Sequira and John Tate showed up at Fentress Naval Air Station to meet up with Garrett Sisk. Today is Garrett’s birthday, (14 years old), and he wants to fly on his Birthday. Garrett came with his own support crew which included his mom, dad, little sister and his grandmother & grandfather. We started by getting Bill Sequira in the circle with Garrett to explain what the stunt pattern is supposed to look like. Later on John Tate could tell from outside the circle that Garrett was getting more and more confident at the handle. We even got Garrett to fly a 1/2A powered model just to see how he dealt getting dizzy. Garrett did very well flying both models today. Bill made a few flights on his electric powered Baby Flying Clown. The Baby Flying Clown is the perfect little airplane to keep in your car. You never know when the opportunity will come up to go fly a few laps. Everyone there enjoyed how quiet Bill’s model was. John Tate flew Willis Swindell’s electric powered Vector 40 for a pattern. Here is shot of the Super Flying Clown coming at you: Here is Bill working with Garrett during one of the practice flights: Here is Garrett with his support team: Today was a nice warm day to fly out at Fentress....
by Rusty Kennedy | May 27, 2015 | Control Line
Norfolk Aeromodelers CL Club having fun. Left: Legacy taking off Right: Club member Jimmie launching Smoothie...
by Rusty Kennedy | May 20, 2015 | Control Line
Here you go Control Liners. Very nice looking racer.
by Rusty Kennedy | May 13, 2015 | Control Line
Club Members Jimmy Welch, John Tate and Abram VanDover Artie flying his Oriental John Tate, District IV Control Line Associate Vice President...