by Rusty Kennedy | Apr 5, 2016 | AMA National News, Uncategorized
Terry Dunn shares how 2016 is going to be a pivotal year for our hobby in his latest article. The current situation is still very fluid as regulations are still being hashed out. The article discusses the community-based organization model, altitude limits, trends in retail, and how some proposed regulations “… potentially scares away people interested in the hobby.” As Dunn suggests, be proactive by monitoring proposed legislation and contact your elected representatives. The AMA is actively involved in the regulation process and may officially mobilize membership in a Congressional letter writing campaign soon. Read the article at...
by Rusty Kennedy | Feb 23, 2016 | AMA National News
by Rusty Kennedy | Feb 14, 2016 | AMA National News
Drone Registration Scam Sites As previously mentioned, shortly after the drone registration task force announced their recommendations to the FAA, fake registration websites began to appear. These sites are scamming model pilots to register in an attempt to steal personal and credit card information. Many of these fake sites look credible or appear to belong to the FAA. The FAA has warned pilots to avoid sites that offer paid services assisting model pilots in the registration process in a post at Individuals who are registering their model aircraft should only use the official FAA registration website: For more information regarding the FAA registration process and how it applies to AMA members, please visit AMA’s Government Relations blog frequently. You can also find more information in our FAQ section at Thank you, AMA Government Relations...
by Rusty Kennedy | Feb 12, 2016 | AMA National News
Dear AMA members, We have good news to share. Last night, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the House of Representatives passed the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, which preserves and strengthens the Special Rule for Model Aircraft. We would like to thank Rep. Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Rep. Mark Sanford of South Carolina for their efforts to ensure that this important legislation protects the hobby of flying model aircraft. The AIRR Act is critical to preserving our voluntary, community-based approach to managing the model aviation community. By strengthening the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, this bill will enhance safety across the recreational community and allow our members, who for decades have flown safely and responsibly within AMA’s community-based safety program, to continue enjoying our hobby without new burdensome regulations. Among the bill’s provisions, it provides a clear definition of a community-based organization (CBO) and tasks the FAA with developing a process for recognizing qualifying CBOs, both long-overdue tasks for the agency. In addition, the bill makes clear that model aircraft can be used as a teaching tool for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), as well as aeronautics. The AIRR act is a strong bill that we are proud to support, but Congress isn’t done with it yet. The full House of Representatives still needs to vote on the AIRR Act and the Senate still needs to work on its own version of the bill. AMA has been actively advocating for our members’ interests on Capitol Hill, and we will continue working with Congress on additional changes that...
by Rusty Kennedy | Jan 28, 2016 | AMA National News
AMA Senior Leadership working the halls of Congress for benefit of all model aviation enthusiasts. ...
by Rusty Kennedy | Jan 28, 2016 | AMA National News