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Discover Flight Website Announced

Discover Flight Website Announced

Next year, AMA will celebrate its 80th birthday. This is a great accomplishment, and one that AMA staff, its leaders, and strongest supporters are very proud of. Our members have been instrumental in ensuring that our organization and the model aviation hobby continue to grow and advance. For some, model flying has been a lifelong passion. For others, its introduction led to a career or to pursuing full-scale flight. For many, the hobby is brand-new and something they are eager to start learning more about. Each story is unique and special, and AMA wants to share the different facets of these stories with the public. Your AMA leadership team thinks it’s important to share the message that AMA continues to grow because of these stories, and to remind everyone that our passion is fueled by ideas and imagination that have impacted so many. Please visit www.discoverflight.org to view AMA’s new video and informational website, developed with the general public in...
An Aerial Tour of the International Aeromodeling Center

An Aerial Tour of the International Aeromodeling Center

Hi everybody, I wanted to share this with you all.  Last weekend, following National Model Aviation Day, Archie Stafford and AC Glenn were kind enough to get some incredible footage of the IAC with their DJI Inspire multirotor.  I edited their footage together into an aerial tour of the facility, in hopes that it might entice members to visit, or perhaps to give them a chance to see it like they might not otherwise have the opportunity to. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6SfDuzYm-E   -Matt Ruddick Academy of Model Aeronautics Media...
An AMA member’s response to the media.

An AMA member’s response to the media.

From: Bren Bailey Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 1:06 PM To: jaymarsh@ama-d4.org Subject: Drone article Jay, This article appeared on the top of the front page of the Winston-Salem Journal this morning: http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/crowded-skies-officials-keep-alert-on-drone-issue-above-winston/article_3ab96bf4-0194-56a6-9264-366425bbe491.html Please note that nowhere in the article is the Academy of Model Aeronautics mentioned.  It refers only to “hobbyists,” mostly as the bad guys. … From: Bren Bailey Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:50 PM To: letters@wsjournal.com Cc: jaymarsh@ama-d4.org Subject: Drone article Dear Editor, Regarding the article concerning drones (“Working to keep the friendly skies safe,” August 20), I agree that there is a potential for significant problems, not the least of which is a catastrophic collision between a drone and an airliner. However, the article contains one error that I would like to correct. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 did not establish rules for hobbyists.  Instead, it relieved hobbyists from regulation by the FAA. Section 336 states “[T]he Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration may not promulgate any rule or regulation regarding a model aircraft” as long as “the aircraft is operated in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization.” That nationwide community-based organization is the Academy of Model Aeronautics and it has established extensive safety protocols to which its members strictly adhere.  Among the rules in the AMA Safety Code are the mandatory 400-foot ceiling, the restriction from flying closer than 5 miles to an airport, and keeping aircraft within line-of-sight.  These are AMA guidelines, not FAA. There are 13 AMA-sanctioned clubs within a 50-mile radius of Winston-Salem, including one right...