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The pressure is on for low level air space.

The pressure is on for low level air space.

Will the U.S aviation authorities succumb to the pressure for a wide use of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) for commercial purposes?     FAA issues blanket approval for commercial drone use below 200 feet… Read More    ...
AMA’s Response to the FAA’s sUAS NPRM

AMA’s Response to the FAA’s sUAS NPRM

AMA’s Response to the FAA’s sUAS NPRM Read More… Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Comments on the proposed sUAS rule can be made by clicking here, or going to www.regulations.gov and searching for Docket No. FAA-2015-0150; Notice No. 15-01.   Look for the Primary Document (PR) and click on the blue “Comment Now” button on the right and let your voice be heard. AMA has created a suggested template for comments, which we strongly encourage you to edit and personalize. Unless extended, the deadline for submitting comments is 11:59 p.m., Friday, April 24, 2015. Template Comment for AMA Members (copy the template, click the Comment Now button, and paste into the comment field) I am writing in response to the FAA’s proposal to regulate small unmanned aircraft systems, including model aircraft. [Insert personal introduction details such as: I am a [job/profession], a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, and have been safely and responsibly flying model aircraft for ___ years. I am also a model aircraft club officer/educator/designer, etc.] I support the exemption of recreational model aircraft from the regulation of unmanned aircraft systems. As Congress recognized, self-governance under community-based safety guidelines has worked exceptionally well for decades, and should remain in place. However, I have the following concerns about the FAA’s proposal: [choose all that you feel apply, and feel free to add other comments] The FAA has repeated its June 2014 statement that model aircraft are “aircraft” subject to all existing aviation regulations. The FAA must revise this interpretation so that it is in agreement with what Congress directed in 2012, which is that recreational model aircraft...