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Sod Busters Warbird Rally

Sod Busters Warbird Rally

Sodbusters Spring Warbird Rally is finally set for Friday and Saturday, April 20th and 21st. We will be setting up the field as usual on Thursday and should be able to get some flying in late in the afternoon. We will do our pork chop dinner on Friday evening for...

Support the House AIRR Act (HR 2997)

Support the House AIRR Act (HR 2997)

AMA is strongly supporting the House version of the FAA reauthorization bill (HR 2997), formally known as the 21st Century Aviation Innovation Reform & Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, and we need your help to get it across the finish line. The House is finalizing this...

Spring KUDZU Classic, June 3-4, 2017

The Carolina Area Free Flight Association and the DC Maxecuters are sponsoring a combined AMA and FAC contest the weekend of June 3 and 4, 2017.  The contest will be at the CAFFA field in Raeford, NC.  The Google map to the field:http://goo.gl/maps/vc3R.

News you can use

Here is a great feature AMA now provides.  Now clubs can just click the link and get all the apply by dates for AMA programs.  http://www.modelaircraft.org/membership/AMAdates.aspx

Helis Over Tidewater  June 9-11 2017

Helis Over Tidewater June 9-11 2017

Make your plans today. It is going to be lots of fun. 6/9/2017 - 6/11/2017 — Newport News, VA (C) HELIS OVER TIDEWATER. Site: Club Field. William Nowell CD PH: Email: playyourrole@hotmail.com. Visit: newportnewsrc.org. Sanction #17/436. Heli & Multi-rotor...

FAA Pilot Registration

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