Source: Drone Laws Blog Photo Credit: FAA The FAA’s recent announcement of Part 107, the final rule for commercial small unmanned aircraft systems (SUAS or drones), has justifiably received a lot of publicity and general praise. There has been little comment on what...
Now, now, let’s not go there. I’m not talking about working out to reduce flab. I want to talk a little about adding tail brace wires to your larger models. These suggestions may also be used on many smaller models. The main purpose of tail brace wires is to...
AC 107-2 – Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
Photo Credit: FAA Source: FAA The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is amending its regulations to adopt specific rules for the operation of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) through a final rule. These changes...
FAA Announces Final Small UAS Rule
Photo Credit: FAA These Special Rules for Model Aircraft helps to maintain our exemptions for model aircraft. For more on the FAA’s final small UAS rule, we encourage you to read this USA Today story, “FAA completes landmark rules for commercial drones,” which...
Brainbusters 2016 Free Flight Fun Fly
Older member helping younger member Very nice FF airplane Abram VanDover the long time Brainbusters President and AMA Hall of...
Please read the recent Washington Post article: Why America’s drone problem may not be as bad as everyone thinks https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/why-americas-drone-proble…/ Why America’s drone problem may not be as bad as everyone thinks A new report finds that drone...
Helicopters Over Tidewater (HOT) June18th,2016
Newport News Park RC Club presents the 9th HOT Great day of flying Helis, Multirotors and FPV course. Call Rusty at (757) 812-2812 or email at...
Scale Challenge
OK all scale builders here is a project. Look at all those wings. ...
Connor Barnes receives 2016 AMA Scholarship Award at Joe Nall
Connor Barnes, from Mooresville, NC was awarded a 2016 AMA Scholorship. Jay Marsh, District IV VP made the award at the 2016 Joe Nall event. Connor attends the University of North Dakota, and is pursuing a double major - Unmanned Aerial Systems and Commercial...
Rusty Kennedy Receives Distinguished Service Award
Our very own Rusty Kennedy recently received the Distinguished Service Award from AMA President Bob Brown. This award is given by vote only of the Executive Council for meritorious work for AMA. Rusty is a life member and received the award in recognition of...