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Warbirds over Delaware Open for Business
I just spent the day enjoying wonderful weather, great friendly people and some pretty spectacular airplanes. Anybody in range should drop whatever they are doing and get to Lums Pond to see this event. This is a family friendly environment with good food provided...

Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club Hosts Invitational Jet Rally
Eastern Shore Aeromodelers Club #4095 (ESAC) hosted its first ever Jet Rally at the field on Saturday, April 29. The club now has 4 Turbine Waiver pilots with Tom Perkin being the latest to join the ranks flying his qualifying flight at the event with Andy Kane,...

Review of “First in Flight” RC Jet Rally
“The number and variety of jets was stunning as was the skill that was demonstrated in their flight”

“First in Flight” RC Jet Rally May 20-24 in Wilson, NC
May is a busy month for big RC events and one more to add to the list is the fantastic “First in Flight” RC Jet Rally in Wilson, NC. This large and exciting event draws pilots from across the country to the Wilson Industrial Air Center, which has gained...